[Zope] acquisition from parent within standard_html_header
Martijn Pieters
Mon, 01 Mar 1999 11:11:27 +0100
At 10:44 01/03/99 , Service Informatique CHSR wrote:
>I want to *add* content to the default standard_html_header in a subfolder
>that we call, say, SF. The standard_html_header in SF reads:
><!--#var standard_html_header-->
><!-- other content-->
>But since an object acquire from itself, this did not work (infinite
>obviously because the stack is filled with recursive calls)
>So I wrote:
><!--#with aq_parent--><!--#var standard_html_header--><!--#/with>
><!-- other content-->
>And it works for object accessed within SF. But when I create sub-folder
>SF, say SSF, I end up with an error.
>How could i write this?
I got it working using the following code:
<!--#with "PARENTS[-1]"--><!--#var standard_html_header--><!--#/with-->
<!-- other content -->
This only works when this code is in a sub-Folder, and the standard_html_header
can be found in the root folder.
M.J. Pieters, Web Developer
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