[Zope] [ZDP] Announcing the Zope Documentation Project
Martijn Pieters
Wed, 03 Mar 1999 09:11:28 +0100
At 17:54 02/03/99 , Martijn Faassen wrote:
>Hi there,
>Hereby I announce in absolute adhoc anarchistic fashion the Zope
>Documentation Project. The Zope Documentation Project aims to generate
>documention on anything Zope.
I know it is against netiquette to send *me too!* messages, but I'm doing it
Just to show support, count me in. I allready started rewriting the
AUTHENTICATED _USER doc and the tree tag info.
The-other-Dutchman-named-Martijn-i-ly yours,
Martijn Pieters
M.J. Pieters, Web Developer
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