[Zope] need help with IIS/ODBC
Jay Ashton
Fri, 05 Mar 1999 12:47:53 -0500
At 09:11 AM 3/4/99 -0800, you wrote:
>At 05:31 PM 3/4/99, Jay Ashton wrote:
>>In trying to figure out what's going on I've noticed a couple things.
>>First, and I think most illustrative, if I try to add a new Z ODBC
>>connection, none of my ODBC sources are showing up in the available list
>>(except the default 'LocalServer, SQL Server') - whereas if I run my 1.9
>>Zope with ZopeHTTPServer all my ODBC connections show up just fine.
>>Also, running my new 1.10.2 Zope/IIS with the faulty db connection side by
>>side with the functioning 1.9/ZopeHTTPServer, I printed our the environment
>>variables of both and noticed some differences - USERPROFILE's are Default
>>User vs. Administrator, and the 1.9/ZopeHTTPServer contains variables not
>>contained in the 1.10.2/IIS environ: HOMEPATH, TEMP, USERNAME, HOMEDRIVE,
>>USERDOMAIN, PROMPT, LOGONSERVER, TMP. I attempted to set at least
>>USERDOMAIN in the 1.10.2/IIS environ, with no luck.
>I think at least this part of your problem may be due to the fact that Zope
>is running as a different user under IIS than it is under ZopeHTTPServer.
>My guess is that it can't see your datasources since they weren't created
>as 'System' datasources. Check under the windows ODBC control panel and
>make sure your DSNs appear under 'system dsn', not 'user dsn'.
Yes! This was exactly what was causing the error. I added a new 'System
DSN' which then showed up under IIS, and now I've got a shiny new and
perfectly functional Z ODBC Database Connection.
Much thanks!
- Jay
PS - Don't know if this info is helpful, but I noticed that (after I set up
a valid System DSN) when my attempt to add a new Z ODBC DB Connection in my
IIS/1.10.2 environ was flawed for whatever reason I would receive the
cryptic 'HTTP Error 400 - Bad Request' from IIS. After some very quick
poking around I noticed that even after selecting a valid dsn, flaws such
as trying to add a connection with an ID already in use, or entering an
invalid connection string would give this 400 error - whereas in my
ZopeHTTPServer/1.9 environ I would receive relevant and helpful error
messages in such situations... Wish I knew more about how to help fix...