[Zope] Using Zope with CORBA (new user question)
Michel Pelletier
Fri, 5 Mar 1999 10:35:50 -0500
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jody Winston [mailto:jody@ldeo.columbia.edu]
> Sent: Friday, March 05, 1999 10:19 AM
> To: Paul@digicool.com
> Cc: zope@zope.org
> Subject: RE: [Zope] Using Zope with CORBA (new user question)
> >>>>> "Paul" == Paul Everitt <Paul@digicool.com> writes:
> Paul> Jody wrote:
> >> My basic questions are:
> >> o Can I have an ILU mainloop inside of Zope? (I really don't
> >> care if I have to hack Zope or if I can use an external
> >> method.)
> Paul> This is a poor answer (as most here know I don't have the
> Paul> mental horsepower to provide good responses :^), but...our
> Paul> _intention_ over time is to have "ZServer" allow objects to
> Paul> be published via PCGI, FastCGI, HTTP, FTP, and CORBA
> Paul> simultaneously.
> Paul> Ideally we'd get some kind of Python implementation into the
> Paul> Medusa handler layer. Obviously this approach has some
> Paul> serious drawbacks...
> Paul> Anyway, I realize that I'm not providing much of an answer,
> Paul> so sorry :^(
> Would it be worthwhile to start looking at and hacking ZServer?
It's allways worth while! :) I think the point paul was trying to push
is that we are interesting in publishing our objects over various
transport protocols. If you want to look in this direction, probably
the best idea would be to write a Medusa handler. Check out Sam's site
There currently exists an ftp and http medusa handler for Zope, which
you can look at in the latest ZServer alpha release availabe at
zope.org. I'm not sure is there is a Medusa CORBA handler or not, I
suspect not, but maybe there's some type of CORBA out there written in
> Jody
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