[Zope] Re: Why doesn't this loop over files?

Tony McDonald tony.mcdonald@ncl.ac.uk
Tue, 9 Mar 1999 09:46:27 +0000

> There's a bug in the code, something I noticed when I was playing
> with the examples too. this is the fixed version:
> 001 <!--#in "['Document','Folder']"-->
> 002 <!--#with subFolder-->
> 003 <!--#if "objectValues(_['sequence-item'])"-->
> 004    <H3>Objects of type <!--#var sequence-item--></H3>
> 005   <TABLE BORDER=1>
> 006   <TH>Id</TH><TH>Title</TH>
> 007      <!--#in "objectValues(_['sequence-item'])"-->
> 008        <TR><TD><!--#var id--></TD>
> 009        <TD><!--#var title--></TD></TR>
> 010      <!--#/in-->
> 011   </TABLE>
> 012 <!--#/if-->
> 013 <!--#/with-->
> 014 <!--#/in-->

Thanks for the reply - but this doesn't work completely either. I can 
add folders and delete them and the changes made show up in the 
listing, but adding documents (both documents and methods) has no 
effect. If I delete the *original* documents created by the 
installation, they show up as being gone, but even a copy-paste of 
the original documents doesn't get any new documents/methods etc. to 
show up.

Am I doing a dumb newbie thing here? (I *do* have a folder called 
'subFolder' btw).

many thanks
Dr Tony McDonald,  FMCC, Networked Learning Environments Project
The Medical School, Newcastle University Tel: +44 191 222 5888
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