[Zope] ZServer as a windows NT service?

Dick Wall dick.wall@mediamail.telinet.com
Tue, 09 Mar 1999 08:47:08 -0500

Hi all,

I have been using python for years, and zope for a few months now (lovely),
ZServer for weeks, but Windows NT? Not long enough to understand the
differences between services and ordinary process (give me a break, I am
heavily from a Un*x background) :-).

I know when I installed the binary version of Zope on the windows machine
here it gave me a service in the services list which I can activate on
startup. However, I am betting that this runs the ZopeHTTPServer, not the
ZServer which I got as a separate download. I have everything working just
lovely with the ZServer now, but it needs to be run as an NT service (and
respond to start and stop signals, etc) at which point I freely admit my
own inadequacies in this area.

Now my question. How can I do what I need to do. Is it simply a case of
redirecting a python 'shell' file used by the service to the start.py in
the ZServer module, or is there more to it? If it is this simple, which
python 'shell' file do I use? If it is not this simple, can someone send me
basic instructions on how to do it (why is NT like this - give me an
rc.local file any day - I know where I stand with that stuff).

Thanks in advance.
