[Zope] sqltest vx. var

Rob Page rob.page@digicool.com
Tue, 9 Mar 1999 11:05:08 -0500

>  >Something I'm just curious about...
>  >
>  >where <!--#sqltest name column=column_name type=column_type-->
>  >
>  >VS.
>  >
>  >where column_name = <!--#var name-->
>  >
>  >Is the only advantage of using the first (sqltest) the type 
>  checking? I
>  >can't find any other obvious advantages.
>  >
>  I haven't played with it too much but I think that Zope 
>  handles undefined
>  variables properly if you do the sqltest.
>  ie.
>  where <!--#sqltest name column=column_name type=column_type-->
>  and <!--#sqltest name2 column=column_name2 type=column_type-->
>  will work if name2 is not defined.
>  It also handles the quoting and SQL syntax (such as doubling 
>  single quotes).

Absolutely...  we ran into some situations where the SQL was so dynamic
potential security problems arose.  sqltest and sqlvar are designed to
reduce that exposure.

Additionally, we've found a very common rhythm where a search UI might
expose all of a large percentage of the available data elements in the
RDBMS.  Using sqltest lets the user not specify one or more parameters
without a lot of messy <!--#if --><!--#/if --> stuff in the SQL Method.
