[Zope] ANNOUNCE: Advanced DTML HowTo

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Mon, 15 Mar 1999 10:39:19 +0100

At 06:43 15/03/99 , Service Informatique CHSR wrote:
>You say "one shouldn't have to use <!--#var "_['foo']"--> instead of
><!--#var foo-->."
>However, i find it useful to write:
><!--#if "_['foo'] and _['bar']"-->
><!-- blah -->
>instead of:
><!--#if foo--><!--#if bar-->
><!-- blah -->

How about 

<!--#if "foo and bar"-->
<!-- blah -->


<!--#if "_.getitem('foo', 1) and _.getitem('bar', 1)"-->
<!-- blah -->

So we can confuse each other even more =).

M.J. Pieters, Web Developer
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