[Zope] <!--#var dir/name not possible?

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Mon, 15 Mar 1999 10:50:45 +0100

At 09:53 15/03/99 , Milos Prudek wrote:
>> <!--# var "img.name"--> should do it but your second method I think is
>> better.
>Yes, this works. Quotes helped.
>Now, how can I add border=0 ?

Yep, you got use there.... calling the Image object doesn't generate extra
information like border=0. DC is working on a solution to that, at least, I
think they said so.

For now you will have to write out the IMG tag yourself:

<IMG SRC="<!--#var BASE1-->/img/name" width="<!--#var "img.name.width"-->"
height="<!--#var "img.name.height"-->" border=0>

I assumed that the img Folder object is a direct subobject of the Zope root

M.J. Pieters, Web Developer
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