[Zope] Newbie questions
Rankine, Alastair
Thu, 18 Mar 1999 08:07:09 +1100
Hi Zopesters,
I'm trying out Zope for the purpose of getting a book catalogue on the web.
So far, I'm extremely impressed with it! Of course, I have some questions.
(For the record, I am running Zope 1.10.2 with Apache 1.3.something on a
MkLinux DR3 box, administered with IE4 on NT).
1. When you edit a DTML document using the Zope management interface and hit
the update button, Zope goes away and tries to parse it to ensure that it's
consistent DTML. If this fails, you are left with no option but the
browser's back button, which, under IE4 anyway, seems to discard the changes
you made to the document. Is there a fix or workaround (besides ctrl-A
ctrl-C before clicking the update button) for this? Us newbies write lots of
bad DTML :)
2. When a folder acquires an index_html document from further up in the
heirarchy, the <!--#var title--> tag refers to the title of the index_html
document, rather than the folder being displayed. How do you write the
index_html document to display the title of the acquired object, rather than
the index_html document itself? (Hope this is clear)
3. Finally, I need some advice about how best to lay out the website.
Basically I'm trying to build a site containing a book catalogue. Here's
what I've got so far:
+ Root
+ Titles [folder]
- index_html
+ OriginSpecies [folder, title: "Origin of the Species",
desc: "blah",
author: "CharlesDarwin", year: 1854]
- cover [image]
+ DiamondAge [folder, title: "The Diamond Age", desc:
author: "NealStephenson", year: 1995]
- cover [image]
+ Authors [folder]
- index_html
+ CharlesDarwin [folder, title: "Charles Darwin", bio:
- photo [image]
+ NealStephenson [folder, title: "Charles Darwin", bio:
- photo [image]
Hope the notation is clear enough. What I want to do is "link" the titles to
their authors and vice versa. So the index_html document for Authors would
display the author, their picture, bio, and a list of titles by them. A
similar arrangement would apply for Titles.
The author property of the title (*) links the title to author, but what's
the best way to link backwards? Similarly, what's the best way to display
the author's information for a title?
All advice appreciated! Thanks.
(*) assuming only one author for now