[Zope] IRC channel [no zope content]
Anthony Baxter
Anthony Baxter <anthony@interlink.com.au>
Fri, 19 Mar 1999 15:43:38 +1100
Heck, identd is a trivial enough protocol. You can always just
write one in 2 lines of python which just returns "sod off" as the
username. :)
That EFnet require it is somewhat puzzling.
> > Fredy Villa <FVilla@GestaltTechnology.com> writes:
> > thanks for the resource - I want to check it out. Maybe you could
> > answer this for me and other irc newbies, since I cannot find an
> > answer elsewhere:
> >
> > All EFNet servers I've tried require me to be running "identd". Is
> > there one which doesn't ? It's not on my default redhat system and I
> > won't install it if I don't have to.
> >