[Zope] Database connections

Oleg Broytmann phd@sun.med.ru
Tue, 23 Mar 1999 18:45:55 +0300 (MSK)

On Tue, 23 Mar 1999, Paul Everitt wrote:
> >    While playing with Zope and SQL (I am using Postgres, hence ZPygres
> > Database Adapter), I found that Zope, when loaded into memory 
> > by Zope.cgi
> > (I am using Apache, and need to use in the future) opens a database
> > connection for every Folder where I created Connection object.
> Ahh, no need.  Just put one Database Connection object in the top folder
> and all the subfolders will "acquire" it.  That is, any SQL Method
> defined lower down can use it.

   There are connections to different databases. So you said "one
connection to one database"?

> >    It is bad, as I have many databases, so Zope eats up 
> > memory. Another
> > problem - what would do Zope if I restart Postgres (so all current
> > connections break)? Would Zope reestablish connections or just report
> > error?
> It should re-establish the connection.  If it doesn't then there's a
> bug.  This works fine with all the Database Adapters I've used.

   I'll retest, but currently, when I ask ZPygresDA to close connection,
Zope reports "the site has technical difficulties" when I'm trying to
access the application.

> > define a timeout, after which Zope close a connection if there is no
> Hmm, this is quite a hard thing to do, unfortunately.

   Bad news. :(

> > PS. BTW, I wrote short introduction to Zope in Russian:
> > http://sun.med.ru/~phd/Russian/Zope/
> >    Any Russian here to verify my understanding of Zope?
> Mind if I add a blurb to the Zope News about it?

   It's Ok.
   I am not sure about correctness. And it is definetely far from complete.
I'll continue working on it.

> --Paul

    Oleg Broytmann  National Research Surgery Centre  http://sun.med.ru/~phd/
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.