[Zope] Frustrating
Shaw, Howard
Tue, 30 Mar 1999 07:17:28 -0600
First thing, if your product is broken you won't get anywhere. So, first
step is to delete the broken product, and shutdown and restart your zope
server. This is because Zope apparently won't replace a broken product
with a working one.
If it is still broken, click on it, and then on the screen that comes
up, look for the 'traceback' tab on the top of the screen. Copy this
traceback and mail it to the list.
If your product no longer says broken, then you will be able to go to a
folder above where you want to use SQL methods, and from the pull-down
menu beside the add button, choose to install the SQL Adapter.
I don't know for certain the format for the connection string, but if
you go to <zope_homedir>/lib/python/Products/ and look in the directory
for the ZPyGreSQLDA and read the top of any *.py file you see, it should
Once you have a working adapter, you can add an SQL Method, and it will
list your adapter's id on its list of db connections.
From this point on the documentation in the SQL Guide should be
Good luck!
Howard C. Shaw III
St. Thomas High School
> ----------
> From: Tom Deprez[SMTP:Tom.Deprez@uz.kuleuven.ac.be]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 1999 4:28 AM
> To: zope@zope.org
> Subject: [Zope] Frustrating
> Hi,
> I'm getting really frustrating on this subject. Pff, I believe the
> Zope-people have made already a great effort in their documentation.
> So I
> guess my problem is my own bad english. shhg.
> I finally got the Postgressql adapter compiled, thanks to two great
> people!
> Thanks for this already.
> But now I'm confused? How to use it in Zope? When I go to the product
> management I see the all the installed products including :
> (broken product APyGreSQL).... I guess here is already something wrong
> (broken... is not a positive word :-( )
> But then, how can I work with it? How can I use it in Zope...? How can
> I
> add it to the 'Add list' . I read of a connection string... but where
> to
> place it?
> Sggh, I've read in the manuals, Q&A, ... but I still don't get how to
> use
> it....
> Please, somebody, help...!
> Thanks in advance,
> The Idiot,
> Tom.
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