[Zope] Calling SQL methods

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Wed, 05 May 1999 15:04:48 +0200

At 14:21 05/05/99 , Alexander Staubo wrote:
 >> SNIP <<
 > How do I execute an SQL Method from a DTML Method?
 > Say I have an SQL Method with the SQL command:
 > 	insert into blah (title)
 > 	values (<!--#sqlvar title type=string-->)

 >> SNIP <<
 > By the way, my real-world app uses the syntax
 > 	<!--#call "Data.InsertNew"-->
 > instead of the above, as I have a separate folder Data for the database
 > objects.

Having put the SQL Method in quotes, it becomes an expression.
Putting an identifier in a call tag without quotes (like <!--#call 
MySQLMeth-->) calls that method, however, putting it in quotes, without 
adding parentheses, results in the statement returning the Python object, 
instead of calling the method. As you are using a call tag, you don't see 
what went wrong.

Change your code to:
	<!--#call "Data.InsertNew()"-->

And it will work.

Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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