[Zope] Could we migrate Zope email to a news group?

Paul Jackson pj@sam.engr.sgi.com
Fri, 7 May 1999 10:34:27 -0700 (PDT)

| From: Michel Pelletier <michel@digicool.com>
| > Philip Aylesworth wrote:
| > > How about just a good web archive/search for the mailing list?
| > I totally agree with this.
| As do I, I believe it's the best interface.  The only newsgroup I read
| is comp.lang.forth.

Will others be able to mirror (if that's the right word) this
news group?  That is, will I have to use the web site to read
this news, or can I ask my news administrator (I'm within SGI)
to pick up this news group along with the 100's of other top
level news hiearchies served by our internal news servers.

I would guess that this is the same question that someone
could ask about DejaNews -- will such an interface (a good
web archive/search) let them pick up this as a news group
(or groups)?

If yes, then good.

If not (if neither DejaNews nor SGI's internal news servers can
provide this, and only by visiting the primary web site can one
view it in a news-like way, then oops -- doesn't work for what
I was hoping for.

I won't rest till it's the best ...	   Software Production Engineer
Paul Jackson (pj@sgi.com; pj@usa.net) 3x1373 http://sam.engr.sgi.com/pj