[Zope] Why doesn't this work?

Craig Allen cba@mediaone.net
Sun, 09 May 1999 00:21:31 -0400

The method below displays a list of documents in the current folder, and
is invoked from one of those documents.  I want it to show the title of
the current document as bold and not as a link, but it always displays
as a link.  I can display the values of 'thisdoc' and 'id' on each line,
and I see what looks like a match, but the else branch is always used. 
I don't understand.  Any hints?  Thanks in advance.
- Craig

<!--#with "_.namespace(thisdoc=id)"-->
<!--#with "PARENTS[0]"-->
  <!--#if "_.len(objectIds(['DTML Document'])) > 1"-->
    <!--#var folderimg--><A HREF="index_html"><b> In this
    <!--#in expr="objectValues(['DTML Document'])" sort=order-->
      <!--#if "thisdoc == id"-->
        <b><!--#var title--></b>
        <!--#var bluedot--><a href="<!--#var id-->"><!--#var