[Zope] External methods and images
Tony McDonald
Tue, 11 May 1999 09:53:47 +0100
> > All I really want to do is pass the name of an image to an external
>> method which then extracts it from a directory, wraps it up in the
>> content-type magic and sends it back to me. Does anyone have
>> something like it working? Any pointers gratefully received.
>Well, haven't got it working... haven't even tested it, but my guess would be
>attach the content-type header as plain-text to the front of your
>return value.
>The syntax of the content-type header should be in any CGI manual. I
>think that
>when you access an external method directly it acts very like CGI, in that the
>ZPublisher returns it without any preparatory wrapping. So I think you need to
>put the header in manually. Good luck.
Thanks for the thoughts.
I've got something very similar to that, in that at the top level of
the Zope tree, I have an external method called 'img'. The code is
def img(self, src, RESPONSE):
import os
img_dir = '/home/zope/Zope-1.11.0pr1-src/Images'
typemap={'.gif' : 'image/gif', '.jpg' : 'image/jpeg'}
img_name=os.path.join(img_dir, src)
# Determine the ad type
# img_type=self.image_type(img_name)
img_ext = img_name[-4:]
img_type = typemap[img_ext]
# Open ad file, using 'rb' to open it in binary mode!
img_file=open(img_name, 'rb')
# Set the content-type of the response
RESPONSE.setHeader('content-type', img_type)
return img_data
The Images directory has a file in it called s1cb.gif
If I access the image so
I get an image on the browser.
If I use the following DTML,
<!--#var "img(src='s1cb.gif')"-->
I get a TypeError. I also get it with <!--#var "img('s1cb.gif')"-->
It gets weirder though...
If I use <!--#var "img('s1cb_p0000001.gif', RESPONSE)"--> however, I
get a document downloaded to the desktop that has rendered HTML *and*
what looks like binary data (it's certainly got GIF89A embedded in
it) where the DTML was placed.
Ok, so what am I doing wrong?
(answers on a postcard please)
Dr Tony McDonald, FMCC, Networked Learning Environments Project
The Medical School, Newcastle University Tel: +44 191 222 5888
Fingerprint: 3450 876D FA41 B926 D3DD F8C3 F2D0 C3B9 8B38 18A2