[Zope] IE5 form entry horror.
Martijn Pieters
Wed, 12 May 1999 12:59:21 +0200
At 09:48 12-5-99 , Anthony Baxter wrote:
>one of the customer service people here just pointed out something of
>a horror problem (a week before go-live, yay).
>IE5 appears to have a client-side cache of form entry values - so if
>someone returns to a page, they get a drop-box of previously entered
>values for this form field - this occurs even on a form accessed by https.
>To say that I'm somewhat unimpressed by this utter misfeature is something
>of an understatement. Imagine a kiosk setup, with a registration screen
>prompting for (amongst other things) a credit card number. Gee, let's
>use one someone entered earlier - pull down a little scrolly box.
But can be switched off....
I think you can even check wether or not the setting is on, and refuse to
serve that browser or something =).
I personally find the feater very handy, specially when experimenting with
ZClasses. Lots of textbox typing is saved with it.
Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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