[Zope] Disable Undo (was: ZClass hitCounter)

Itamar S.-T. itamars@ibm.net
Sun, 16 May 1999 21:44:28 +0300

Pavlos Christoforou wrote:

> > Because the object database stores revisions of
> > objects, each new inciment of the property will append a new revision on
> > the ned of the database.  For a million hit per day website, this means
> > a million new objects will be added to the database.  Definately
> > performance prohibitive.
> A simple solution is to write an external method that sores the counter
> value in a regular file, lets say in the Zope/var directory.

Maybe there should be some way to disable storing of old versions of an
object, where Undo isn't necessary?  The Gimp for example has a similar

Itamar - itamars@ibm.net