[Zope] Tree in QuickStart

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Mon, 17 May 1999 14:08:28 +0200

At 20:46 16/05/99 , Tom Deprez wrote:
>Can somebody explain me the different parts (and how they work) of the Tree
>setup in the QuickStart?
>I don't understand a lot from it... it uses also some things like
>objectValues(['Folder'])... etc. where can I find information of these and
>others? I can't find them in the DTML user guide.

I am working on a tag reference for the ZDP site (http://zdp.zope.org/). I 
also wrote two emails on this list that described the #tree tag attributes, 
but the emails were written when I was really way too tired to be doing 
anything like playing with Zope.. I believe DC is going to use these for 
their upcoming update of the DTML users guide. You can find them online at 
the Zope archives:


Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
| Antraciet http://www.antraciet.nl
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