[Zope] Zope in German Linux mag + some remarks/questions

Tom Schwaller tom.schwaller@linux-magazin.de
Thu, 20 May 1999 00:36:14 -0100

Alex.Thomas@dresdnerkb.com wrote:
> Is this news? Anyway, there's a long article describing Zope by Tom Riedl in
> June's Linux Magazin (in German).

I put the article online yesterday.


Right now Zope is fully featured on our website 
(take a look at the Cover too :-)) and I plan to put 
the redesigned website (with Zope of course :-)) online 
as soon as possible.

Some remarks: 

1. With Aquisition I could finally do 
what I always wanted to do! Bellissimo! Poor CGI-Developpers :-)

2. I was shocked this week when I read the message,
that by updating a property of an object one gets
a backup of that object too. Thinking a minute about Zope and
its possibilities this was of course obvious. I just forgot it
and implemented a banner-managment with "intelligent" banners
which know their URL, who often they are seen and clicked.
I wish I could change

<!--#with banner-->
<!--#call "manage_changeProperties(clicked=clicked+1)"-->
<!--#call "RESPONSE.redirect(url)"-->

to something like

<!--#with banner-->
<!--#call "manage_changeProperties(clicked=clicked+1, nobackup=1)"-->
<!--#call "RESPONSE.redirect(url)"-->

Does this give sense? Is something like this planned?

3. I do not have a clue how I can implement a search interface
for the website I did? Some pointers to the docs or maybe
a simple example would really be nice?

4. My Data.bbb - file will be around 300 MB. Is this a problem?
I remember an email which mentions that Zope has
no problem with big datasets, but how big was that number?

5. Developping with Zope is just fun, although my learning 
curve was quite steep :-)



Tom Schwaller
Linux Magazin