[Zope] 'including' output from external files in a DTML
Martijn Pieters
Fri, 21 May 1999 16:38:07 +0200
At 15:57 21/05/99 , Tony McDonald wrote:
>Hi all,
>I thought that the simple
><!--#var quote-->
>where quote is a DTML method called
>might include the output from quote.pl at the point where <!--#var
>quote--> appears.
>It doesn't. The redirect loads up quote.pl (which it was always going to
>do of course....)
>Anyone got any ideas on how to include output from external programs (in
>my case it will be Perl and PHP3) in a Zope document?
By using an external method. That method should retrieve the URL, and
return the contents of the URL.
Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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