[Zope] Apache/Zope Newbie How-To (maybe....)

Evan Simpson evan@tokenexchange.com
Tue, 25 May 1999 12:11:55 -0500

Minor nits/additions to this fine draft:

1. I don't set up any Apache authorization, and it works fine (version 1.3.2
w/SSL).  Perhaps 1.3.6 adds some difficult behavior?

2. Make sure that your zope/var directory (and all its contents) has
owner:group set to nobody:nobody, or whatever your Apache runs under ('ps
uaxw | grep httpd' and check the first column).  I even chmod it to 2770.

3. If you don't want the '/Zope/' prefix, or (my own situation) you're
mixing Zope-served with Apache-served stuff and your pages are being
designed by somebody with a tool that wants '.htm[l]' extensions, try
inserting this line directly before the RewriteCond line:

RewriteRule ^/(.*)\.py\.html(.*)$ http://www.mysite.com/Zope/$1$2

This will allow you to refer to, say, '/Zope/ex/parrot/pining' as
'/ex/parrot/pining.py.html', or from non-Zope page '/ex/parrot/fjords.html'
as 'pining.py.html'.

'till-Dreamweaver-groks-Zope-ly y'rs
Evan Simpson