[Zope] Java Port

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Wed, 03 Nov 1999 09:20:06 +0100

At 05:06 03/11/99 , Joe Grace wrote:
>Finally, on a coder side, there's been some discussion on this topic
>before.  DC has reflected on the subject and pointed out some
>non-trivialities of porting to Java (mainly (?) C code).  I imagine it's
>non-trivial, but getting something running might be reasonable.  I don't
>know if there would be any licensing restrictions; I'm afraid (???) the
>ZODB has some funny license for use only with Zope.  I don't know if a
>Java Zope would still be Zope or what any licensing snafus would do.

I don't see what you mean about the license. ZODB is covered by the same 
Open license as the rest of Zope, and it only requires you to state that:

   This product includes software developed by Digital Creations
   for use in the Z Object Publishing Environment

As for he C code, if you get Acquisition to work in Java, you're halfway 
there. That is the hardest piece of Zope to convert I think.

Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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