[Zope] ANNOUNCE: ZCache Product v0.1
Itamar Shtull-Trauring
Mon, 08 Nov 1999 12:46:35 +0200
This is a simple caching object, for caching expensive methods. Any
comments are welcome.
*** Due to my lack of knowledge in Zope, you can only cache methods that are
in the same folder as the ZCache object. To cache method index_html that is
in the same folder, just type in "index_html" as the method to cache in the
Add form. ***
The delay property sets the minimum time between updates of the cache, in
seconds. The cache will reload the method named in cacheObject property if
you access the cache more than delay seconds since the cache was last
You can use the update method to force an update of the cache.
Get it at: http://www.zope.org/Members/itamar/ZCache
Some benchmarks using http_load on an expensive method (render structured
text. newline_to_br, then _.string.replace). http_load ran for 10 seconds,
50 requests a second, on the same machine as Zope. The cache was set to a
delay of 60 seconds. The output of the cache seems to be the same as the
method, yet the byte count is different. I'm not sure why.
Sequential Requests
21 fetches, 478 max parallel, 370986 bytes, in 10.0073 seconds
17666 mean bytes/connection
2.09847 fetches/sec, 37071.6 bytes/sec
59.9673 mean msecs/connect
4445.92 mean msecs/first-response
258 fetches, 241 max parallel, 4.5764e+06 bytes, in 10.0214 seconds
17738 mean bytes/connection
25.745 fetches/sec, 456665 bytes/sec
3.8384 mean msecs/connect
2342.47 mean msecs/first-response
Parallel requests:
37 fetches, 50 max parallel, 653642 bytes, in 10.0007 seconds
17666 mean bytes/connection
3.69973 fetches/sec, 65359.4 bytes/sec
14.8051 mean msecs/connect
5038.13 mean msecs/first-response
403 fetches, 50 max parallel, 7.14841e+06 bytes, in 10.0068 seconds
17738 mean bytes/connection
40.2727 fetches/sec, 714357 bytes/sec
3.25076 mean msecs/connect
1086.58 mean msecs/first-response
Itamar - itamars@ibm.net