[Zope] Manage Methods

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Thu, 18 Nov 1999 13:04:27 +0100

At 09:54 18/11/99 , \"RC Compaan\" wrote:
>I created a simple user interface to manage items to a productcatalog.
>I use the same commands rename,delete, etc objects as is used in the Zope
>management interface and objects are selected with checkboxes.
>This is the Form Action:
><FORM ACTION="<!--#var URL0-->" METHOD="POST">
>The Form can be submitted in the following ways:
><INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="manage_renameForm:method" VALUE="Rename">
><INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="manage_delObjects:method" VALUE="Delete">
>When the form is submitted it jumps back to the Zope management screen, but
>I want it to refresh the current screen.  Do if have to write my own methods
>to rename and delete objects or is there another way?

Wtite your own methods that call the original ones to do the deleting or 
renaming work, then redirewct to where you want to go.

Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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