[Zope] Executing stored procedures in Oracle using ZOracleDA

Bruno Mattarollo brunomadv@ciudad.com.ar
Sun, 21 Nov 1999 19:08:07 -0300


    I am trying to execute a PL/SQL stored procedure from a ZSQL method. I
am using Zope 2.0.1, ZOracleDA 2.1.0, Oracle 8i, all on a Sun UltraSparc

    The stored procedure is valid. It works. I have read the DCOracle
release information and it states that it supports the invocation of stored
procedures. I need this in order to use the UserDB product, because my user
information is splitted over many tables, and I execute a stored procedures
that querys/updates/deletes the user info from the database.

    I have the following code for example:

Execute InsertUsuario (
<dtml-sqlvar username type="string">,
<dtml-sqlvar password type="string">,
<dtml-sqlvar AUTHENTICATED_USER type="string">,
<dtml-sqlvar REMOTE_ADDR type="string">

inside a ZSQL Method. When I test this method I get the following traceback:

Traceback (innermost last):
  File /export/home/bmatt/iPersonal/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line
214, in publish_module
  File /export/home/bmatt/iPersonal/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line
179, in publish
  File /export/home/bmatt/iPersonal/lib/python/Zope/__init__.py, line 201,
in zpublisher_exception_hook
    (Object: ApplicationDefaultPermissions)
  File /export/home/bmatt/iPersonal/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line
151, in publish
  File /export/home/bmatt/iPersonal/lib/python/ZPublisher/BaseRequest.py,
line 304, in traverse
  File /export/home/bmatt/iPersonal/lib/python/OFS/Application.py, line 260,
in __bobo_traverse__
    (Object: ApplicationDefaultPermissions)
  File /export/home/bmatt/iPersonal/lib/python/ZPublisher/HTTPResponse.py,
line 510, in notFoundError
NotFound: (see above)


Can anyone tell me what does this means?



Bruno Mattarollo <brunomadv@ciudad.com.ar>
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