[Zope] ZClasses and instantiation
Steve Spicklemire
Tue, 30 Nov 1999 07:46:13 -0500 (EST)
Hi Alexander,
>>>>> "Alexander" == Alexander Limi <alexander@limi.net> writes:
Alexander> Now for the questions:
Alexander> 1. I have a folder called "artists" where the
Alexander> Artist-objects should be instantiated as unique
Alexander> objects. I've managed to do this by copying the
Alexander> Artist_addForm method to the "artists" folder, but I
Alexander> suspect this is not how it should be done. My guess is
Alexander> that the factory is involved in some way, but how
Alexander> anonymous users should be able to access it from the
Alexander> context of the empty "artists" folder is a bit unclear
Alexander> at the moment.
First did you modify the wizardly created Artist_add method with the
option of not redirecting to the management interface after being
invoked? (see http://www.zope.org/Members/tazzzzz/addZClasses)
It goes in Artist_add like this: (assuming you have named
your propertysheet 'Basic')
<!--#with "myProduct.createInObjectManager(REQUEST['id'], REQUEST)"-->
<!--#call "propertysheets.Basic.manage_editProperties(REQUEST)"-->
<!--#if noRedirect-->
<!--#if DestinationURL-->
<!--#call "RESPONSE.redirect(
<!--#call "RESPONSE.redirect(
<!--#/if DestinationURL-->
<!--#/if noRedirect-->
Then from the parent folder of artists you could have a method called
something like 'addArtist' that works like this (untested):
<dtml-var standard_html_header>
<H2><dtml-var document_title></H2>
Adding new artist...
<dtml-with artists>
<dtml-with "manage_addProduct['myProduct']">
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('id',codeToGenerateAnIDGoesHere)">
<dtml-call "Artist_add(_.None, _, noRedirect=1)">
</dtml-with manage_addProduct-->
Your new artist has been added.<br>
<form action=&dtml-URL1;>
<input type=submit value="OK">
<dtml-var standard_html_footer>
Then you can make your own form to create a new artist that
invokes addArtist with all the right stuff set.
Alexander> 2. I would really like to have two different
Alexander> "properties"-views on the instantiated class, one for
Alexander> the user, who does not need to be able to modify all of
Alexander> his attributes, and one for us administrators, which
Alexander> can be the standard properties view. How?
You can make your own 'edit_instance_form' and 'edit_instance'
methods that can be methods of your ZClass. Here is what
I usually use as a starting point for edit_instance:
<!--#var standard_html_header-->
<dtml-call "propertysheets.Basic.manage_editProperties(REQUEST=REQUEST)">
<dtml-call "RESPONSE.redirect(URL1)">
<!--#var standard_html_footer-->
Just make your custom 'edit_instance_form' display just what you
want to your user and invoke 'edit_instance' when it's done. If this
is done in the context of the instance it should display the instances
index_html when it's finished.
Alexander> 3. As you can see from the above questions, my
Alexander> knowledge is a bit incomplete. I've read through Zope
Alexander> Content Managers Guide, DTML Reference, and tried to
Alexander> find anything of value on zdp.zope.org. If anyone could
Alexander> point me to where I can find more relevant info and
Alexander> tutorials, I would be grateful. Banging one's head
Alexander> against the wall at 0500 in the morning after 6 hours
Alexander> struggle with basic concepts is not my idea of
Alexander> fun. Python and Java are easier to learn than this :)
I've found the all the HowTo's etc on www.zope.org helpful.
Alexander> Regards,
Alexander> Alexander Limi.