[Zope] 2.01 will not run on NT4
Michael Simcich
Fri, 1 Oct 1999 09:39:55 -0700
Thanks Martijn. I wonder where I can officially suggest that a note be added
to the NT distribution telling folks not to close that console window if
zope is not running as a service?
Michael Simcich
-----Original Message-----
From: Martijn Pieters [mailto:mj@antraciet.nl]
Sent: Friday, October 01, 1999 3:05 AM
To: Michael Simcich
Subject: RE: [Zope] 2.01 will not run on NT4
At 17:52 30/09/99 , Michael Simcich wrote:
>Hi Martijn -
>The instruction to go to http://localhost:8080/manage is included in the
>installtion instructions and it is what gets me to a no page found.
>I wasnt' sure what you meant by the following... where is the file to be
>copied to?
> >>>>
>If you want to have default content, see if the
>file Data.fs.in exists in the var subdir, and copy that to Data.fs (which
>is the objetc database file).
> >>>>
>Also, isn't this error reported by startup.bat trying to tell me something?
> >1999-09-30T14:12:37 PROBLEM(100) ZServer Computing default hostname
I see on the list you're problem is already solved. Good.
The error reported doesn't influence the correct functioning of ZSerever.
It is just a message it has to compute the default hostname, because it
isn't given anywhere else. There has been talk of moving the status of that
message from PROBLEM to INFO, because it is confusing and only worries
people too much.
Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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