[Zope] w3m (alternative to lynx) and Zope.
Martijn Pieters
Mon, 04 Oct 1999 07:36:18 +0200
At 02:17 4-10-99 , Anthony Baxter wrote:
> >>> Martijn Pieters wrote
> > >% w3m http://bespin:9090/
> > >The resulting page has following set:
> > ><base href="http://bespin/">
> > >Zope error or w3m error ??
> >
> > As Zope is working fine on non standard ports with any other browser I've
> > seen (including Lynx), I'd assume it is w3m.
>I've found it works fine if you go to http://yoursite:port/manage_main
>You don't get the little tree thingy, but I can live without that...
>I _suspect_ that w3m isn't sending the port in the HTTP Host: header.
Hmm.... that would indeed be the cause of the misbehaving BASE tag.
HTTPRequest constructs the BASE either from HTTP_HOST, or, if omitted, from
You can confirm this by opening
http://servername:serverport/path/to/Zope/REQUEST in w3m (in your case
http://bespin:9090/REQUEST), and then look for the HTTP_HOST and SERVER_URL
environment variables. If they read bespin, and not bespin:9090, then w3m
is to blame and a bug report should be filed with its creator.
Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
| Antraciet http://www.antraciet.nl
| T: +31 35 7502100 F: +31 35 7502111
| mj@antraciet.nl http://www.antraciet.nl/~mj
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