[Zope] <dtml-var> vs. <!--#var--> [Q]
Martijn Pieters
Tue, 05 Oct 1999 10:06:33 +0200
At 07:02 05/10/99 , zope@infosys.com.ar wrote:
> I have read the DTML docs and I couldn't find the pros and cons of
>each. Why diferent syntax for the same? I mean, <!--#--> makes it usable
>for HTML editor like HoTMetaL since it's a "comment" tag :-)
> Is there any "underwater" difference between the two syntax that I
>didn't saw?
There isn't any difference, the internal representation after parsing is
the same. The new <dtml-command></dtml-command> syntax was devised to make
it more usable in HTML editors like Homesite, that allow you to define new
tags, including dialog boxes for all the tag's options.
Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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