[Zope] Using Dreamweaver with zope..

Johan Carlsson johanc@torped.se
Wed, 6 Oct 1999 10:29:57 +0200

> > At the UCON conference it was released that Dreamweaver is built on a
> > version of ECMASCRIPT(Javascript) and .XML, The entire 
> app(minus some core
> > code) is all javascript and is easily manipulated. The kit you 
> found is a
> > tool for building functionality into Dreamweaver. It is really powerful.
> > 
> > As Dreamweaver has FTP access there is no reason that Dreamweaver 
> > cannot be a full blown IDE for Zope. There are 3 things that 
> would need to
> happen:
> I was hoping for the dreamweaver.openDocument() method for interacting
> with Zope. In that way you could get more control by using the
> manage_-methods
> and do more intelligent things than just updating files.
> I am unsure what this does?
> I have not confirmed if the dreamweaver.openDocument() just takes
> (file:) URLs or if it takes (http:) URLs as well?
> In that case it would be worth considering building a C-library handling
> HTTP communication inside DW. (If its not already done?)
> I know that the FTP protocol works well. I see what you all are talking
> about! The FTP support only lets you open files when they have an 
> extension.
> Although if you include a .htm on them in ZOPE they open just fine. They
> also save back into ZOPE fine with the extensions. 

Yes, but as I see it (haven't tried my self yet) you can't use
the fancy stuff like templates?
You might be able to user DW-templates together with Zope-templates,
enabling you to edit a full page, but just saving the content.
You could even make it save content to multiple DTML Methods simultaneous.

Another possibility may be controlling properties and creating new
objects like Folder etc. 
> > 	1. DTML Tags would have to be added to ZOPE under a ZOPE MENU
> > 	2. Modify the MIME SETTINGS so Dreamweaver could recognize ZOPE Docs
> (or rename them in ZOPE)
> Have you found were to do this?
> NO, Only that if you have an extension in the file name in ZOPE, they open
> just fine. I was wondering if you could have a feature that ties the two
> together so that ZOPE(FTP) would automatically do it for unnamed files and
> then take the extension off.(It is an OPEN SOURCE PRODUCT!) This 
> would be a modification to ZSERVER(FTP). Maybe if ZOPE managed the 
> EXTENSIONS based on MIME, That would do it!

As far as I know the FTP-protocol doesn't support mime, as HTTP does.
> > 	3. Add ZOPE Logic to the menus. (IF, WHILE, IN)
> I don't quite follow? Could you explain it for me?
> You can add menus and items into DREAMWEAVER. Lets have a ZOPE MENU with
> they are is XML/HTML tags). We would just add reference DTML tags so that you 
> could cut and paste DTML. The Logic is there so that you can insert an IF 
> STATEMENT of a WHILE LOOP....similar to inserting an image and editing the parameters. 
> Actually I was trying to understand the change to <dtml-var> 
> based tags and it happens to make the tags work 200% better in DREAMWEAVER. It 
> now doesn't cut off the <--#'s. So that editing forms is easier.

Yes it does, I found how ever that you must avoid
using the folloeing syntax; <dtml-var "expression">.
It breaks in DW and I think its because it is not 
well formed XML/HTML?

Some rules for DW-editing would look like this:
  <dtml-var variable> should be <dtml-var name="variable">

  <dtml-var "expression"> should be <dtml-var expr="expression">

I would like a comment on this from DC thou? 
Maybe the tags need to be well formed and only well formed
in Zope in the future.

I may not be 100% correct on well formedness so 
please give me feedback?

You would also need to write property inspectors for
the Zope tags. It's is fairly easy done with JavaScript/DOM.

> If you look in the Dreamweaver Folder there are sets of components .js and
> .xml files all of them make up the interface to Dreamweaver. So 
> you can edit them and add ZOPE functionality. Although I RECOMMEND CREATING A BACK-UP
> BEFORE DOING ANYTHING!!! I have already had to re-install it 
> because of some editing.
> It really would not be too much effort to bridge the gap in the two
> products. Dreamweaver was designed to change so that their 
> life-cycle would be extended and the software could adapt over time.
> I will look into the OPENDOC() function and see what I can find. I know
> someone at Macromedia I can email. He will point me in the right 
> direction.

> > Oracle built a dreamweaver extension to view and edit parameters in an
> > oracle database. With the Dreamweaver SDK there really isn't 
> anything you
> > can't do. 
> Almost ;-)

Right! :-)