[Zope] change to MimeWriter to add "MIME-Version: 1.0"
Pate, Clarence T
Wed, 6 Oct 1999 13:45:00 -0500
=->Note that Mimewriter is a standard python module, not a part of Zope.
=->You should submit your patch to the apropriate module author or to the
=->http://www.python.org/python-bugs section of the python site.
=->Thanks for the patch!
I sent a message to Guido, and he suggested something that was much better (I
really should not have bothered him with this minor problem.) All that was
necessary is to change "MimeTools.py". Basically, I added a parameter to the
mime tag, <!--#mime version=true-->. Since I am not a python programmer,
somebody should verify that this does what I think it does!?!
I have included the subset of MimeTools.py that I changed.
"""I added version=None. I guess this is like a global variable.
I am not sure if this is necessary"""
def __init__(self, blocks):
self.sections = []
for tname, args, section in blocks:
"""I added the parameter version"""
args = parse_params(args, type=None, disposition=None,
encode=None, name=None, version=None)
if has_key('type'):
type = args['type']
type = 'application/octet-stream'
if has_key('disposition'):
disposition = args['disposition']
disposition = ''
if has_key('encode'):
encode = args['encode']
encode = 'base64'
if has_key('name'):
name = args['name']
name = ''
"""I added this. I believe it checks for any value, if no value set to ''"""
if has_key('version'):
version = args['version']
version = ''
if encode not in \
('base64', 'quoted-printable', 'uuencode', 'x-uuencode',
'uue', 'x-uue', '7bit'):
raise MIMEError, (
'An unsupported encoding was specified in tag')
self.sections.append((type, disposition, encode,
name, version, section.blocks))
def render(self, md):
mw = MimeWriter(StringIO())
"""I added this. If version exists, add the header to 'outer'.
This only provides for version 1.0, maybe this should be a
variable that is actually passed if there are new future
version numbers. """
for x in self.sections:
t, d, e, n, v, b = x
if v:
outer = mw.addheader("MIME-Version", "1.0", prefix=1)
outer = mw.startmultipartbody('mixed')
Thanks for the help!
Clarence T. Pate