[Zope] Download behaivior in IE5
Johan Carlsson
Fri, 8 Oct 1999 11:30:39 +0200
Another intreresting behaviour in IE5
is the download behavior:
What is it?
The download behavior is a ie5 behavior that
allows you to download any file without having
to reload the page. This is very useful, for
example it can be used with tree views so that
the sub items are not downloaded until you expand
the parent. It can be used for a lot of things,
including submitting forms (GET method only),
use your imagination.
This behavior come well in hand when implementing
a link tool for ZIE or a Image browser, and make it
possible to save in the background perhaps?
Here a reference to all default behaviors in IE5:
you can find this and other useful links about IE5
at the ZIE-project: