[Zope] ZSQL to Python ???

Tony McDonald tony.mcdonald@ncl.ac.uk
Sun, 10 Oct 1999 11:12:16 +0100

At 11:37 am -0500 8/10/99, Joshi, Sunit wrote:
>	Could someone please tell me, what would be the best way to pass in
>the query-	result of a ZSQL method	to a python method.

Here's what I do;

def get_file(self, filenumber, RESPONSE):
     nothing yet
     # get the directory
     dir = self.savedir
     # get data from database
     res_data = 
     if len(res_data) != 1:
         return "Error: no data matched filenumber:%s" %filenumber

     resdata = res_data[0]
     # get the mimetype
     if resdata['mimetype'] == 'not known':
         # get some mimetypes
         atype = mimetypes.guess_type(resdata['filename'])
         if atype[0] != None:
             resdata['mimetype'] = atype[0]

etc etc etc (I'm importing mimetypes and other stuff). It's not 
optimal, because it doesn't loop over the returned records, but it 
works! :)

The SQL method is in res_data_from_filenumber (which is in a folder 
called SQL_Upload in a folder called Actors). It's passed the 
filenumber. The ZSQL method looks like this;
select * from res_data where filenumber = <dtml-sqlvar filenumber 
type=int>  (parameter filenumber:int)

The database schema looks like;
CREATE TABLE res_data (
   filename varchar(255),
   filenumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
   identifier varchar(20),
   identifier_type varchar(40),
   keywords varchar(255),
   extra_info varchar(255),
   user varchar(40),
   mimetype varchar(40),
   uploaded timestamp(14),
   filesize int(11),
   display varchar(4) DEFAULT 'y',
   PRIMARY KEY (filenumber)

Hope this helps,

Dr Tony McDonald,  FMCC, Networked Learning Environments Project 
The Medical School, Newcastle University Tel: +44 191 222 5888
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