[Zope] Ordered Folders - the result

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Sun, 10 Oct 1999 22:18:25 +0200

At 20:36 10-10-99 , Itamar Shtull-Trauring wrote:
>Here's the working version.  I'd be grateful for any comments and bug
>Add a "First" button to folders, so you can select some items and make them
>appear first in the list.  Therefore, items in a folder are now displayed by
>order of creation plus whatever changes you made, and not alphabetically as
>before.  The code that does this was liberated from the ZClasses Views page
>(manage_first in lib/python/ZClasses/Basic.py).
>Potential problems:
>Is the line "self._objects = objects" OK as far as multithreading goes?
>Also, I have no idea if the permissions thing will work.  I assume I did it
>right, but who knows.
>Attached are a new Folder.py and main.dtml (based off the Zope 2.0.1
>release, not CVS), which need to be put in lib/python/OFS.  I don't know how
>to make a patch - could someone tell me the command?

Hmmm.. this might be a bit late, but I thought you where trying to do this 
in a ZClass.. you can override the Folder's methods doing just this. Just 
define a new manage_main DTML method, add your ordering methods, add some 
External Methods to handle the reshuffling, and you'll be fine. Yes, 
self._objects = objects is thread-safe, the ZODB takes care of that.

Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
| Antraciet http://www.antraciet.nl
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