[Zope] ZCatalog, CatalogAware, and ZClasses
Martijn Pieters
Wed, 13 Oct 1999 12:49:54 +0200
At 23:28 13/10/99 , gtk wrote:
> > In your container class' constructor (MyContainerClass_add), you can
> > create a ZCatalog instance as a subobject, and setup its indexes and
> > automatically.
>Cute technique!
>I tried deriving a ZClass from ZCatalog to do the column and index
>management itself -- the idea was that I could update all of the
>FnordCatalogs' designs and methods just by touching one object -- but for
>some reason it runs right into a wall. Yell if you can read tracebacks; I
>can reproduce it pretty damn quickly.
> > > Uh, fine. At the moment, I'm only editing my Fnords via their Properties
> > > view. How do I doctor the view so that index_object is called?
> >
> > Havn't got that far yet - my objects are static though so that is for
> > a future project :-) You will probably need to write your own form
> > that submits the results to a DTML method that calls index_object and
> > manage_editProperties.
>Oh, so I can't use views if I want to do that kind of thing?
I have a project in development right now that uses a ZClass based on
ZCatalog and ObjectManager. Works great.
In it I have one ZClass that inherits from CatalogAware, and with some
twiddling in the constructor methods instances of the CatalogAware classes
are indexing themselves in the container ZClass just fine.
Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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