[Zope] Is there an easy way?..
Michel Pelletier
Wed, 13 Oct 1999 10:03:33 -0400
Rik Hoekstra wrote:
> This automatically changes the option to a list, even if there is just one.
> I do not think this will handle the case in which no checkbox is checked. To
> do this , you will have to add a condition to the action dtml method:
> <dtml-if "REQUEST.has_key('option')">
> your stuff
> </dtml-if>
Or just <dtml-if option>.
This is a good idea, because whether or not the list gets assigned for
no-checked boxes depends on how the browser sends the form data, if the
browser assumes no checked boxes means don't even send the form element,
then you will need to sniff for the assignment first, as you suggested.