[Zope] Versions
Evan Simpson
Wed, 13 Oct 1999 16:16:14 +0000
Michel Pelletier wrote:
> John Glossner wrote:
> >
> > Is it possible to view a version which is not yet committed in
> > an external browser?
> Yes, if you're working in a version, what you see *is* the version. For
> example, if modify a document in a version, and you click 'View' you see
> the version copy, not the 'public' copy.
> > Also, using Homesite I can ftp edit the live website but is
> > it possible to ftp edit the version?
> Nope. Versions work with cookies, which FTP obviously has no semantics
> for. Versions are cool and magical, but not quite as magical as they
> first seem.
You might be able to use an AccessRule to hardwire a certain access path to
the version. For example, make an otherwise empty folder InVersion with an
AccessRule method which inserts a fake cookie into the REQUEST, then do all
ftp through /InVersion/rest/of/the/path.
Just a thought,