[Zope] Stripping HTML tags or not [WAS: (something like)
making static pages dynamic] dynamic]
Martijn Pieters
Wed, 13 Oct 1999 19:28:01 +0200
At 13:37 13-10-99 , Albert Kinderman wrote:
>A recent discussion on the list concerned how to strip the usual tags
>from the beginning and end of a static html document produced by a
>wysiwyg editor and replace the tags with the standard_html_header and
>standard_html_footer. On my site, my standard_html_headers and
>standard_html_footers are customized to the type of document, so that I
>have created a ZClass for each type. Each ZClass is a folder and has an
><dtml-var standard_html_header>
><dtml-var content>
><dtml-var standard_html_footer>
>so that the content managers only have to upload the content and not
>worry about the headers and footers. Within this context, if a manager
>uses Netscape Publisher and publishes, for example, to
>content will contain the set of tags produced by Publisher.
>At this point, the source of a rendering of the document will contain
>two sets of <head>, <body>, etc. tags. However, in Netscape Navigator,
>the extra tags seem to be ignored and the page appears the same as if
>the extra tags have been stripped out.
>This raises several questions:
>1) Does the HTML standard say that browsers should ignore the extra
No, the behaviour is undefined. Some browsers will use the first body tag,
others will use the last, and some will just break.
>2) If not, do all or most other browsers ignore the extra tags anyway?
Depends on the browser, and differs from platform to platform and from
version to version.
>If the answer to either question is yes, then as a practical matter it
>is not necessary to strip out the extra tags as long as the
>standard_html_header and standard_html_footer enclose them.
>I should note that in my case the standard_html_header sets up a table
>with a side bar in the first column so that content is inside a table
>element. I don't know if the extra tags would be ignored under other
Generally not a good idea.
Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
| Antraciet http://www.antraciet.nl
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