[Zope] Multiple DTML-questions

Samu Mielonen ex@uiah.fi
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 13:45:33 +0300


I have multiple problems with a short DTML thingy I'm
putting together. Let's go through them one at a time.

I have folder hierarchy (from KM|NetNews) like this


So, year, date, month and article are all folderish objects that
contain further objects (article contains images that have been
submitted alongside the article itself).

I have a rudimentary (copied) dtml-code that displays all articles
(from any year, month, day):

<dtml-in "objectValues('KMYear')">
<dtml-in "objectValues('KMMonth')">
<dtml-in "objectValues('KMArticle')" sort=release reverse>
<dtml-if "(release.isPast()) and current">
        <H1><dtml-var title></H2>
        <A HREF="mailto:<dtml-var email>"><dtml-var author></A>
        <dtml-var teaser>
         <dtml-if "text_content">
           <a href="<dtml-var "absolute_url() +'/index.html'">">Read

So, nothing fancy in that. It looks through all the year objects
and through all month objects and through all the day objects and
displays all articles that have a release date (release-variable)
past now and that are current (curret variable is set to 1).

Easy, at least that's how I understand it (i.e. ObjectValues(X) looks
through all the subfolders of type X??). There is no good documentation
for objectValues anywhere in the DTML Guide (just 2 obscure examples
and one reference in index).

Now, to my problems:

1. I want to display only articles from year_x, month_x, day_x.
  Can I somehow only list articles from year_x/mont_x/day_x? How?
  I can't find any command nor reference how to do this via objectValues.

  I don't want to make an if-loop inside the above original code that
  check for all articles (regardless of their folder) that if theyr
  year, mont and day are the same as today. This would require 3 if
  statements for ALL of my articles. This would be silly, dont you think?

2. I have a method from KM|NetNews product called add.html
   and another one called approve.html (these are my modified
   copies of incoming.html and index.html respectively).

   I want users with writer role to access add.html and add.html
   ONLY. I want users with editor role to access add.html and
   approve.html. Both of these methods are under the KMArticleStorage
   product folder

   How do I do this? I can't find anywhere in the documentation
   ways to define permissions for a single dtml_method (call me thick,
   but I can't find it!). Also, trying to check the authenticated user
   with has_role only results in key_error every single time (works on
   one page, doesn't work on another. There is some peculiar namespace
   trickery going on here that I don't understand.).

3. If I want to render visible objects that are inside objects
   (e.g. images that are inside particular folderish article
   objects), how do I do it?

   I understand that I can iterate through all of the
   folder objects (e.g. images) and display their id, the actual
   image itself and then even give a form submit button to
   upload a file to replace that image.

   But I can't figure out the DTML code to do this... I've
   tried a gazilliion different permutations (with, let,
   objectvalues, sequence-item, etc. tags)

Any takers?

All help mucho appreciated,
   Samu Mielonen

PS About my earlier e-mail about Zope consulting. Yes, I'm buying that,
but it's goingg to take awhile to produce anything so I need to get
up running quickly with my mini-mini-mini-version. This is why I'm
still fighting with DTML :)

"The world will not evolve past its current state of crisis
by using the same thinking that created the situation." - Albert Einstein