[Zope] manage* mathods
Martijn Pieters
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 12:59:36 +0200
At 12:23 14/10/99 , Oliver Frommel wrote:
>when I try to use the "Find" tab in the manage screen I don't seem to be able
>to find any of the builtin(?) manage* methods as "manage", "manage_main",
>"manage_access". Where can i find those methods and with which objects are
>they associated?
>I'd like to use them as a starting point for our editing system (like
>using a manage method with less options and maybe a simpler interface for
>the average user).
They are not objects in the ZODB, but class members of their respective
classes. The 'manage_upload' method for example is a member of the DTML
MEthod class, and of the DTML Document class and the File class, etc.
If you want to see how the manage_ userinterface is designed, you'll have
to dive into the Zope source. You'll find that most HTML interfaces for
example, are read from .dtml files on your harddisk at startup. The methods
that do the actual work are mostly written in python.
Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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