[Zope] more siteserver vs. zope.

Patrick Phalen zope@teleo.net
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 17:19:58 -0700

[Chris McDonough, on Thu, 14 Oct 1999]:

:: He argues that Python, and therefore Zope, cannot connect to COM objects (or
:: other ORB systems), and that for this reason Zope is not even really an
:: application server.  Its a design criticism.

If I were you, I'd just drop it with this guy. He doesn't know what
he's talking about regarding Python or Zope.

But for the record, Python has full and transparent access to COM
through Mark Hammond's and Greg Stein's win32.com, by which Python can
do just about anything you can do from any other language -- write COM
clients, servers, ActiveX scripting hosts, etc.

And as for other ORBs (not to mention Zope's own), there's ILU and
FNORB, if you want CORBA. And XML-RPC for that matter (and I wouldn't
be surprised if Frederik Lundh appears with Python SOAP hooks

BTW, watch Microsoft over the next six months. You'll see them madly
deemphasizing COM and pushing SOAP as the magic glue of the Internet.