[Zope] How to join/add ZCatalog.searchResults?
Martijn Pieters
Fri, 15 Oct 1999 14:01:54 +0200
At 11:35 15/10/99 , Michael Gutmann wrote:
>Problem: I need to combine a search in two fields (title, data) with or.
>(standard is and, and since now there is no chance to change this, afaik?)
>A solution could be, to make two separate searches and join the
>searchResults, something like this:
><dtml-let title_search="Catalog.searchResults({'title':mysearchfield})"
> data_search="Catalog.searchResults({'data':mysearchfield})"
> complete_search="title_search + data_search">
>and then iterate over the concatenated list:
><dtml-in complete_search size=20 start=query_start>
>Well, I'd love to try this, but "title_search + data_search" doesn't
>Error Type: TypeError
>Error Value: __add__ nor __radd__ defined for these operands
>Any idea how to concatenate those two searchResults?
Try: title_search[:] + data_search[:]. The result object from a Catalog
query supports slicing, and this also works when there is only one result
(because then the returned set is just a python list).
ZCatalog uses an object that avoids loading the whole result list into
memory if it possibly can help it. Above solution will completely destroy
this effort of course.
Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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| PGP: http://wwwkeys.nl.pgp.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xA8A32149