[Zope] Is there a way to force a commit ??

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Mon, 18 Oct 1999 10:00:38 +0200

At 11:24 16/10/99 , Cayce Ullman wrote:

>Forcing a commit fixed my problem.  So I wouldn't
>say its nonsense.  My guess is that, yes all
>properties of a ZClass when changed are readily
>available within that thread.  But, the manage_clone
>method I was using is pulling and putting objects
>straight off of the ZODB and not from my transaction
>space.  Please correct me if I am wrong.

Oops, my fault. I misunderstood the fact you were cloning an object. Still 
sound somewhat strange to me it's outside your transaction though, because 
commiting only commits your transaction. If it also commits the clone, that 
was in your space as well. Maybe all you need is a sync (object._p_jar.sync()).

Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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