[Zope] Yahoo-like link design

John Glossner glossner@hotmail.com
Mon, 18 Oct 1999 09:53:58 -0700

Having worked through the ZClasses tutorial and howto examples,
I now have a design question. Being very inexperienced with Zope,
I would like to create a catalog of links that automatically
updates itself when new links are added. I suppose the best
way to do this is to inherit from CatalogAware and ZObjectManager.
CatalogAware (as I understand it) allows me to automatically
update itself and ZObjectManager allows me to embedd sub-links.
Then I can add a search interface to find links.

My Links tree would look something like:

       + History
            + US History
            + European History
       + Languages
            + Dutch
            + English

Does this sound like a reasonable way to keep a database
of links? Does anyone have better suggestions? I prefer
not to store them in an external DB (since I'm learning 
Zope). One other thought, instead of ZObjectManager perhaps
I should inherit from Folder?
