[Zope] dtml-var null

Dennis Moore rainking@feeding.frenzy.com
Tue, 19 Oct 1999 17:50:13 -0500

Does the 'null' tag in <dtml-var null="..."> actually work for anyone?  I
set it to put '&nbsp;' (among other things) in for a database query i'm
working on, but it doesn't do anything.  I get no output for that var no
matter what's in the null tag.  the documentation says:

 For this reason, the null attribute can be used to specify text to
be inserted for null values. Null values are defined as values which:

o Cannot be formatted with the specified format, and 
o Are either the special Python value None or are false and yield an 
  empty string when converted to a string. 

The value itself yields an empty string as far as I can tell.


pity this busy monster, manunkind,         |    Dennis  Moore    |       Sarah
not. Progress is a comfortable disease.    | rainking@frenzy.com |   McLachlan
   -e.e. cummings: One Times One           |  archon on the irc  |     "Black"
If I cried me a river of all my confessions would I drown in my shallow regret?