[Zope] root level referencing + minimalist zope strategies
Jason Cunliffe
Sat, 23 Oct 1999 15:33:29 +0200
Sorry if this has been covered before, but if it was I have missed it.
[note: I get the digest and find that about for about 1 in 5 digests the
formatting becomes illegible 2/3 of the way down]
I am still looking for advice and strategy tips for this basic situation:
I have sub-folders called 'images' in my site where only graphics for those
contexts are kept there.
I also have a top level folder called 'images' where to store navigation
bar graphics, company logo, etc.
--no images folder here yet
a simplified basic standard_html_footer looks like this:
<a href = />
<dtml-var "images.logo.tag(border=0, alt='Go to Top Menu')">
This is acquired by folders below root level.
This works fine everywhere index_html calls standard_html_footer where
there are no local subfolders named 'images'.
I can of course 'fix' this by implementing local standard_html_footer
methods in the subfolders. But I want a cleaner, minimal, more zopish way
to automate the folder level awareness. I've almost 'got it' about the
namespace stuff... I have tried tweaking the method above by adding
<dtml-with /images> or <dtml-with "/images"> - but that's wrong...
1. What site wide logic to install for this?
2. In general, how do you reference the root level "/" with the various forms:
<dtml-var> or <dtml-in> or <dtml-with> <dtml-let> ??
3. I want to set a variable "myelevel" using for example <dtml-let mylevel
= /refrences/new">.
So that I can then call:
<dtml-var mylevel.images.newlogo>
- Jason
Jason Cunliffe <jasonic@nomadicsltd.com>
NOMADICS.STUDIO(Design Director)
Geo-Digital Arts and Technology
Le Vieux Moulin, Route de Mons
Tel: +33 (0)4
Fax: +33 (0)4