[Zope] Q: How to pass session information from outsideinto Zope?
Evan Simpson
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 15:55:49 +0000
Martijn Pieters wrote:
> At 22:25 24-10-99 , Avus wrote:
> >How do I get Zope to strip and evaluate the id information I pass in the URL
> >string, even if the Zope object I'm calling is not explicitly prepared to do
> >that (i.e. it is no DTML method that has code for this)?
> >Zope URLs are often created on the fly (db query), so the handling of the id
> >string in the URL has to be acquired by some inheritance magic, I guess.
> You could use __bobo_traverse__ or __get_item__ for this. It'll enable URLs
> like:
> http://your.zope.server/Session/0x1234/SQLMethod/city/New%20York/
Alternatively, if you don't want to write a new class and are willing to use alpha
code, you can accomplish this with the SiteAccess Product.
With SiteAccess, you would create an empty folder called 'Session' and place a
single method in it (DTML Method will do fine) called 'SetSession' for example.
Then "Set Access Rule" to 'SetSession'. One way to write this method would be:
<dtml-unless "REQUEST.path[0][:6]=='manage'">
<dtml-if "_.int(REQUEST.path[-1])>0">
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('SessionID', REQUEST.path.pop())">
<dtml-call "REQUEST.setURL(path=_.string.join(REQUEST.steps,
<dtml-raise type="Invalid">Invalid Session ID!</dtml-raise>
This method does nothing if our URL ends in '/manage*', and complains if the
Session ID is not a positive integer. Otherwise, it takes the Session ID off of
the traversal stack (pop()) and stores it in a REQUEST variable. Finally, it
resets the current URL to put the Session ID back in, so that it will appear in
generated links. The blank lines (one, anyway) are necessary to prevent the DTML
Method from complaining about truncated headers.