[Zope] Front door on the Zope web site (Was Re: [Zope] SmartWorker)

Ben Leslie benno@sesgroup.net
Wed, 27 Oct 1999 22:49:41 +1000

> > Of course, Zope users know that these other users will probably come to
> Ironically if you did a survey of Zope users, most would probably say
> the same tale of woe.  "I found out about Zope, downloaded it, worked
> like hell to understand it, then the light bulb turned on."

I was just thinking on this point maybe the default install you should 
contain a lot more examples which people can view and change.

Personally I find the easiest way to learn things is to take something
someone else has done then rip bits out of it to get my thing to work
(sounds like cheating butI don't think it is).

If it was possible to have two distribution (I know, I know more 
maintenance work). One which is basically the same as now and
then a second one which contains a demo site, with lots of 
examples on all aspects of zope. Right through from the simplest
<dtml-var foo> to ZClasses and full blown python products 
(which zope already ships with a few of and provide _me_ with
lots of help when writing new products).

I guess this would be a lot of work to organise, compiling the many
examples which are littered through various how-tos, tips, documentation
and e-mail threads.

Now I know people are probably going to say well the code is already 
there people can just go use that. I know this and the determined
person will probably go and find these examples (As most of the people
on this list have already done). However if it is easier to get at these
examples the light bulb might just turn on a bit quicker for some 
